Guide to play TalkChat 2 (EN)

Quick and Simple Guide to Playing TalkChat 2 Alpha 2 Welcome to the official guide for TalkChat 2 Alpha 2! This guide will help you understand the basics of the game and enjoy all its features. This content will likely be added to the main game in the future.

Introduction When you first open the game, you’ll notice two main tools on your screen:

  1. TalkChat App: This is the main tool of the game where you can interact with other characters.
  2. Gadoline Browser: This browser allows you to enter URLs and explore different web pages within the game. Additionally, there is a calculator on the screen. For now, it’s purely decorative, but it might have a function in the future.

Steps to Get Started

  1. Exploring TalkChat
  • Open TalkChat: Click on the TalkChat icon to open the application.
  • Talk to Strangers: Inside TalkChat, you’ll find various characters you can interact with. Start a conversation with them and follow the dialogue options to discover clues and advance the story.
  1. Using the Gadoline Browser
  • Open Gadoline: Click on the Gadoline browser icon to open it.
  • Enter URLs: Use the search bar to enter specific URLs that will allow you to access different web pages within the game. Some URLs might contain important information for your investigation. Helpful Tips
  • Pay Attention to Conversations: The responses you choose in TalkChat can influence the direction of the story. Read carefully and select the responses you think will lead to more clues.
  • Explore Different URLs: Not all web pages will be useful, but some might contain crucial information. Experiment with different URLs to see what you can find.
  • Check the Calculator: Even though it’s decorative for now, don’t forget to check if there are updates that give it a function in the future. Future Features
  • Additional Functions for the Calculator: In future updates, the calculator might have a specific function within the game.
  • New Tools and Applications: Stay tuned for new tools that might be added to the game to enhance your experience and help you in your investigation. If you need to know anything else or have any questions about the game, feel free to ask me. Enjoy TalkChat 2 and good luck with your investigation!

Get TalkChat: Talk with Strangers 2

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